Top Ten Plastic Surgery Fails of Hollywood

It is good to take care of you but some time excess of every thing is bad. As some Hollywood celebrities are so much concerned about their beauty and looks that they have gone through plastic surgery to enhance their beauty but instead of becoming attractive they lost their charm and surgery proved to be a disaster.

1. Jocelyn Wildenstein

She ruined herself because of her husband. She wants to look like cat because her husband love cats but her expensive attempt has turned herself in something look like a dragon. But at least now 

2. Lolo Ferrari
This lady has undergone such a craziest plastic surgery that became reason of her death. She had firstly make her lips look bigger and then she put extra some really extra on her breast 

6. Melanie Griffith

that she was known as having hugest boobs in the world. She even died because of suffocating due to those huge boobs.she is named as “Catwoman”.

3. Michael Jackson

I am taking about plastic surgery and how can I forget to name one of the top pop singer, king of music; Michael Jackson who has completely changed himself through plastic surgeries. Black boy turned to white fellow by the grace of plastic surgery. After that he has gone through a lot of plastic surgeries that have make him look like man of plastic.

4. Donatella Versace
Like other stars she has also made a stupidest mistake of undergoing plastic surgery at old age. She wants to remain young and look beautiful however she was truly very beautiful and oldness could make her prettier but now she turned into an awful and ugly fellow.

5. Mickey Rourke
He failed in lifting. Lifting has indeed made him look younger but unnatural and like plastic. He lost his charm as he looked unnatural and artificial. Although luck is blessed upon him as he was nominated for Oscars however people thought that his career has ended up.

6. Melanie Griffith

She had undergone lot of plastic surgeries that has made her beauty  lost for forever. She has made many lifts on her face that has made her face look like wild animals.

7. Lil Kim

She has made great experimentation with her body as she made some lifts on her face, made her skin whiter, and implanted her breast. I can bet you that whatever she has done with herself, she definitely scare herself when she looks in mirror.

8. Tori

Many people think that she is only in Hollywood because of her father but she has invested money in plastic surgery to transform her breast. Her boobs have gotten so huge that she looks pathetic and still she is unable to inspire people.

9. Priscilla Presley

Have you seen any one loosing their beauty for the sake of expensive and costly ugliness? Presley has done exactly the same thing she has experimented with plastic surgery of her face and has lost her beauty and has turned into a witch.

10. Tara Reid

She is bit slow fellow as I am saying such words because she has just ruined her body by herself. She undergone a Lipo-surgery that put lot of extra skin on her body she thought that she can over come by making another stupid mistake and she got plastic surgery of her chest. Now she looks awful.